Review Your Details
Almost done, simply review your details below.Full name: | {{memberData.first_name}} {{memberData.surname}} |
Date of Birth: | {{memberData.date_of_birth}} |
Email: | {{memberData.email_address}} |
Mobile: | {{memberData.mobile_phone}} {{memberData.mobile_phone ? '/' : ''}} {{memberData.home_phone}} |
Address: | {{memberData.address}}, {{memberData.suburb}}, {{memberData.state}} {{memberData.postcode}} |
Proof of Identity: | {{memberData.form_of_id}} |
Membership Term: | {{packageString}} |
Thank you for your payment, {{memberData.first_name}}!
Your order id is {{memberData.order_id}}.
Thank you for joining your membership with {{constants.venue}}. Please allow 24 hours for processing if you are collecting your card from Reception. Please allow up to two weeks for your card to arrive in the mail if you opted for it to be posted.
Oops, there is something wrong in our system.
We couldn't send the confirmation email.
Please call us on {{constants.helpNumber}} or send us an email to {{constants.emailTo}} with your Name, Member ID, and Order ID for us to process your application.
If you have any further enquiries please contact us on {{constants.helpNumber}}.